Measuring advice for your Curtains

1. Measuring the curtain width of the curtain track or pole (not the window)

- If you are fitting the new track or pole make sure this extend 15cm -30cm minimum either side of the window to allow the curtains to be stack back or even more up to 60 cm if the curtains will be hanged on a large window.

- If you have the track already, measure the width from end to end and if you have a curtain pole, make sure you measure the width between the decorative ends.



2. Measuring the curtains drop

Curtains are best hung either to the floor, to a sill, below the sill or relaxed on the floor.

  1. 1 cm above the floor
  2. 15-20 cm below the sill
  3. 1 cm above the sill
  4. Break puddle - from pole or track to floor plus 2 cm
  5. True puddle -from pole or track to floor plus 30-50cm 

When using a curtain track, measure from the top of the track to where the curtain is to finish.
When using a curtain pole, measure from the underside of the decorative rings to where the curtain is to finish. 

Once all the measurements are in place, you can send them to us by completing the existing MTM form on our website and our team will respond as soon as they are available.

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